Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce – The scandal of photograph which viral in market continuously, is the Burger King foot lettuce. In photograph, we can observe one of the employees of the restaurant is standing in two plastics tubs of lettuce with shoes on.
After the photograph viral, the identification of the Burger King restaurant and employee is finding out. The news is given to the local and national outlets also. The resulting in termination of the identified employee of Burger King.
What is Lettuce?
An annual plant of daisy family is Lettuce. It grown like leafy vegetable. An ancient Egyptians first cultivated this Lettuce. Afterwards, Greek also farmed the same. It is easily cultivated as it required less temperature for growing.
The lettuce is rich source of Vitamin A and K. it is moderate source of iron and folate. The growing of lettuce is best in full sun. It grows in the soil
- The nitrogen rich soil with PH range of 6.0 to 6.8.
- Temperature – 16 to 18 degree Celsius.
- Spacing of Lettuce in farm – 1.5 to 6 m.
As per the record of last year, in China – 56% of the total world production of lettuce is done.
Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce
Origin of video:
An employee of the burger king restaurant posted a picture on 16th July, 2012. the picture is about the employee he was standing on the plastic tubs of lettuce which would serve to the customers.
With the photo, he added one caption as ‘This is the Lettuce which you eat at Burger King restaurant’.
From the photo, the 4chan user discovered the exif data. The identification of restaurant is done by tracking the photo using the GPS module. And the restaurant of Burger King is finding out as Ohio located Burger King restaurant.
It was on the Mayfield road in Mayfield heights. Afterwards, they started to identify the person who stands on the lettuce tubs.
They began contact to the news outlets and manager of the restaurant. The 4chan catches that standing man on 17th July. The manager of the restaurant fired that employee of the picture.
Top 15’s video:
The lettuce story of the Burger King restaurant is recalled on the YouTube channel on 11th November,2017. The title of video is ‘Top 15 Mysterious solved by 4Chan’.
The video is viewed by high number of YouTube users. It gained more than 1.4 million views.
- On 19th November 2017 – The Chili’s talking about the ‘Burger King Foot Lettuce’. The whole information isolated by You Tuber Ling as introduction and the clip shred by him gained 15,000 views.
- On 24th January, 2018 – The same story is again posted by You Tuber Samoyed and he gained 23,000 views on his clip of foot lettuce.
- Afterwards, more remixes are added to the original clip. And it again appeared on YouTube with additional remixes.
Read More: Burger King Thanksgiving Hours
The 4channer solve the mystery of number 15. The whole scene is of Ohio Burger king restaurant
On Mayfield road. Now, the video is available on the Facebook, YouTube and Instagram also. The man of photograph who misbehave with the serving food is terminated.
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